Has First Rate Credit Union let you down?
We aim to offer our members high quality and value for money services. We can only do this with your help. If we have let you down, please tell us.
Our commitment to you
We will provide you with a copy of our internal complaints procedure. We aim to deal with your complaint as thoroughly and as quickly as possible. If your complaint cannot be resolved immediately, we will tell you when you can expect a response and keep you advised of progress. We aim to acknowledge your complaint within seven days and resolve your complaint within a maximum of eight weeks.
Your first step
The best way to make a complaint depends on how the situation arose. If an officer of the credit union has written to you or is already dealing with you, you should make contact with that person, either by telephone, in writing or by calling in to the First Rate Credit Union office. Alternatively, please address your complaint to the Complaints Officer at your Credit Union. We aim to acknowledge your complaint within seven days and resolve your complaint within a maximum period of eight weeks. The Complaints Officer for First Rate Credit Union is
If you are still unhappy
In the majority of cases, complaints can be resolved quickly and to everyones satisfaction. If not, please ask for your complaint to be referred to the Complaints Officer in line with our internal complaints procedure. The Complaints Officer has special responsibility for dealing with complaints from members and will undertake an independent review on your behalf and provide you with a written response. If youre complaint has been taken through the Credit Unions internal complaints procedure and you are dissatisfied with the outcome, you can take your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service.
What is the Financial Ombudsman Service(FOS)?
The Financial Ombudsman Service has been set up to provide consumers with a free and independent service to resolve disputes with financial providers. If you have a complaint that you cannot resolve with your bank, building society, credit union, mortgage or pension provider, then you may be able to take it to the Financial Ombudsman Service. Before you take your complaint to the Ombudsman, you must have tried to resolve your complaint through the internal complaints procedure of the organisation you are complaining about. Further information is available from the Financial Ombudsman Service, South Quay Plaza, 183 Marsh Wall, London E14 9SR. Tel 0800 023 4567 Web
Tips on making a written complaint
- Include your full name, address and membership number at the top of the letter.
- Insert the date at the top of the letter—this will help you keep a record of when you made your complaint and the length of time before you receive a response.
- Write a brief summary of your complaint at the beginning of the letter
- Lists the facts clearly and in order by date and / or time.
- Do not go into too much detail and avoid repetition.
- Send photocopies of any relevant documents—but ensure you keep the originals.
- Take a copy of the letter before you send it.

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